My son saved my life. It's cliche, I know, but it's the truth. Though I hit rock bottom after my pregnancy, my son saved my life. I've grown more in the past year and a half than all my twenty-four years of living.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

I'm still here!

I completely forgot about this media in my life; and so much as been going on, too. First of all, my lawyer has drafted my settlement papers. Yes, I am that much closer to being divorced. It has already been over a year that I left my husband. As a kid, divorce was such a depressing/taboo subject for me. I swore I'd never make the mistake of marrying someone other than my soulmate. Now here I am, 24 years old, and I am giddy about the impending legalities. On some level, yes, it saddens me. On the other hand, I have a gorgeous son. I have a wonderful job. I have found God again. I am healing physically. I am healing mentally. I am going back to school... I mean my goodness, I have made a complete 180 from where I was a year ago! Yes, my marriage fell apart. Yes, it was built on a stack of lies that I was unaware of... but it has given me reason and momentum to change my life for the better, and by-golly that's what I'm doing! So yes, we're celebrating this Friday with Happy Hour ;)

Weight loss has hit a plateau. I am stuck at the same weight, and I've really lost drive recently from being sick. However, I am back in, and I am focused. I just got back from the grocery store with lots of whole grains and fresh fruits. No soda. Minimal junk food (it's a start, believe me). I'm thrilled that I am not gaining anymore, but it's time to get serious again and start losing more weight. I have to be in shape for when I'm ready to date again (easy, there's no timeframe here)...

Finally, the most important part of my whole life... my precious son. We spent last night in the ER. While I was cooking dinner, Pumpkin got into the pantry, and ended up dropping a can of peaches on his poor little piggy. I was a wreck, but I managed to get him to the ER where he got two stitches in his cute little toe. He was a trooper! He was so so brave! He only cried because it was past his bedtime, and he was exhausted. I cannot tell you how proud I am of him. I cannot tell you how much my heart broke knowing how much pain my baby was in, and all the "What if's" and "If only's" that have been going through my head since the incident. Also, we are waiting to see if he'll contract chicken pox (long story), but it will be an interesting week for our little family!

Looking forward to this next week. I'll have some one-on-one time with my boy, plus some much needed girl-time at the end of the week. Plus, it's the end of July, so we're that much closer to ending summer, and getting back-to-school (you better believe I'm excited! Class for me starts August 30th)