My son saved my life. It's cliche, I know, but it's the truth. Though I hit rock bottom after my pregnancy, my son saved my life. I've grown more in the past year and a half than all my twenty-four years of living.

Monday, September 5, 2011

It's that time of year again

when pools close, the kids are back in school, and we see birds making their way south. The days are cooler, and shorter. I am so so excited! Fall is my absolute favorite time of year! And, as much fun as Elijah was a year ago, he is much more independant, now. He is bigger, he is sturdier, and he's running. Outdoor activities are going to be so much more fun, now. I can't wait to share some of my favorite things with him! I have so much planned for these next few months. Time is precious.

I am back in school now. That coupled with working 40 hours/week, and I am seriously missing out on my bubba-time. That means that the time I do have with him needs to be cherished. I won't take for granted time with my son. Today we spent much of the morning at a local park with some good friends. Then we walked around a lake, and adjoining neighborhood. The weather was gorgeous, and I crave more fall-like days like this! High of 75. Sunny. Breezy. Tonight I even got to wear a jacket. I'm a huge dork, I know, but I adore this.

So here's the plan to make the most of our fall season...

First of all, we're going to be spending more quality time with family and friends. Elijah is going to have more playdates, and Mommy is going to spend time with more mommies.

We get to go apple picking. Spend as many days at the park that we can cram in. Work in a trip to the zoo now that it isn't 100+ outside with humidity suffocating us. Go to a pumpkin patch, preferably one with a hay maze; secure one mommy-sized and one baby-sized pumpkin. Go for lots and lots of walks with Nana. Spend times out on the deck with the fire pit. Make chili for football Sundays.

I have been in the best mood all weekend, and there are two major contributing factors... my son, and this gorgeous weather.

In other news, I'll be hopefully starting a study group on how to become a more positive mommy. I've already made the promise to myself and Elijah that I'm not going to let negativity and stinkin' thinkin' run my life anymore. From here on out, whatever happens in our lives will be in God's hands. He has worked miracles in my life that I can't ignore. He has taken care of us, and He will continue to take care of us.

School is going well. I was so scared, but I'm happy to be taking classes again. I even enjoy doing homework. ;) Work is awesome. I love my job. How many people are blessed enough to say that? Physically, I've taken a blow, but I know now to put that, too, in God's hands. He will heal me. It may not be a schedule I'd prefer, but it will happen.

Other than that, baby boy and I are doing wonderfully well. He is growing so big, and talking up a storm. We've traded in his 2t summer clothes for 3t fall clothes. He's growing like a weed, almost too much for me to keep up. I'm already looking into Christmas and his 2nd birthday. I know it's months down the road, but when you're broke, you tend to look at things more long term. I think I'll be saving up for a decent party for him, and I believe I'll be putting big ticket items on a layaway plan. I want to give my special little guy the holiday/birthday he deserves. He's changed my life. I can sure celebrate him because of it.