My son saved my life. It's cliche, I know, but it's the truth. Though I hit rock bottom after my pregnancy, my son saved my life. I've grown more in the past year and a half than all my twenty-four years of living.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Out with the old and in with the new, Farewell 2011!

What can I say? I'm a slacker. I haven't posted in months, and I haven't worked out in as much time... however, the holidays have come and gone, and I'm pleased to announce that Santa brought me some help... For Christmas, our family recieved a Wii (plus a Wii Fit, Just Dance, and The Biggest Loser). All of which I have played the past few days. I've made some goals. I've created my Wii Fit profile. I've finished off the last piece of chocolate in the house... Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I am well on my way (again!) to a happier and healthier me! Suffice it to say, I've already started my New Year's Resolution, and I've no intention on ever giving up on myself.

I've hit sort of a slump, recently. My divorce/custody battle has stalled yet again, and I'm really losing steam. I will never stop fighting for my son, and for what I believe to be right... however, it's really hard when I work my butt off, and I'm nowhere closer to finishing this than I was a year ago. It's very disheartening.

In happier news, I have a week off of work, so I plan to relax, and spend lots and lots of time with my precious boy. I'm going to try really hard to not get worried and bent out of shape by the things I have no control over (money, divorce, BD drama, etc.) Instead, I'm going to continue focusing on my positives. I have a beautiful, happy (mostly healthy) son. I have an incredible family. I am surrounded by people who love and support me. I have FAITH (I can't tell you how many times that one has saved my butt). I have a job. I have food. I have a roof over my head. God has granted me one more day to better myself, and who am I to disappoint Him?

Speaking of faith, funny thing... It seems cyclical, almost, how my faith life waxes and wanes. I'm tired of it, really. So, not only is it my goal to be healthier physically, but also mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I am going to work very hard at this, because God has seen me through my darkest days (and they were pretty dark at times). We're going to start going to church regularly again. It always has a profound affect on my life, in benefits that I can see immediately. Why deny myself something that ultimately makes me so happy, so positive, and the blessings just keep coming? Yes, it is a hassle to get a 2 year old ready for services in the a.m. and yes, it is a hassle to keep a squirmy toddler from screaming... but it's so worth it.

I am happy to say that while I have not lost a significant amount of weight... I haven't gained, either. Actually, I'm about 10 lbs. lighter than I believed myself to be, so overall that's a winner. It's a good place to start. I'm about 10 lbs. away from my pre-pregnancy weight. (But why stop there??)

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