My son saved my life. It's cliche, I know, but it's the truth. Though I hit rock bottom after my pregnancy, my son saved my life. I've grown more in the past year and a half than all my twenty-four years of living.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Under Construction

Me, though, not this blog... My whole life is under construction. Honestly, though, does that really ever change? Ever since I've gotten health coverage back (since my son was born), I've been fitting in doctor's appointments left and right. Hell, I'd sign up for a prostate exam, and I don't even have one! I'm finally getting my gallbladder taken care of.

Yeah. Been dealing with that one for over a year now. If you've never experienced it, please, let me enlighten you. It is bring-me-to-my-knees-crying-and-screaming pain. I was all set up for surgery this past Tuesday to get the little sucker removed. I was being prepped for surgery when I found out my liver was causing issues, and the surgery was to be cancelled. Now I don't know what to think. Is there something serious with my liver, now? When do I get my surgery. I don't want to risk another attack. Not to mention, I took three precious days off of work for this, and that is money out the window.

I got to see the dentist after (gasp) five years. I only had one, small cavity. Not too bad. I can't tell you how excited I was for my dentist appointment. Oh, and I saw my OB/GYN today. First time since my son's birth (sorry, gents). That, too, was exciting (never mind that I haven't been touched at all in the past nine months, but that's not the point here). The point is that I am getting checked out. I am getting the all clear. I am taking care of myself, because I want a better quality of life for myself then I've previously had.

I've got the ball rolling on going back to school, too. I start this coming Fall! Ah, to be back in school! I can't wait. I am so excited.

I'm doing things right. I'm doing exactly what I need to be doing for my son and for myself. Now, if I could just get this ugly divorce behind me. It's going to be interesting to see how the "new, improved me" handles on first dates... Ugh. One thing I'm not so sure about. But that's a long way down the road. I'm nowhere close to putting myself out there, again... and that's good, isn't it? That's what I should be doing.

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